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Hot Search:Mold processing
Add:No. 9. Hengtai Road,Zengtian industrial zone,Chang'an Town Gongguan City,Guangdong Prov China

Automotive plastic mold factory about the four major characteristics of the mold

Automotive plastic mold factory high-speed growth, China's precision mold industry has been located in the world front. At present, China's precision molds with wear resistance, toughness, fatigue, fracture function, low temperature function of the four characteristics, the following for everyone to share the four major characteristics of precision molds.

The four characteristics of automobile plastic mold factory

1, wear resistance

Blank in the mold cavity in the plastic denaturation, along the cavity outside both activities and sliding, so that the cavity outside the blank and the fierce friction between, resulting in mold due to wear and take effect. So that the wear resistance of the data is the most fundamental mold, one of the most important function.
Hardness is an important factor affecting wear resistance. As usual, the higher the hardness of the mold machine, the smaller the wear, the better the wear resistance. In addition, the abrasion resistance is also related to the variety, number, status, size and distribution of carbides.

2, toughness

Mold things prerequisite is very unruly, and some often suffer a greater impact load, resulting in brittle fracture. In order to avoid the mold machine in the event of sudden brittle, precision metal mold to have a high strength and toughness. The toughness of the mold depends on the carbon content of the data, grain size and structure - precision molds.

3, fatigue fracture function

Mold things in the process, in the reincarnation of the long-term effect of stress, often lead to fatigue fracture. Its situation has a small energy to repeatedly combat the fatigue of the break, stretch tired fatigue cracked fatigue fracture and tortuous tired fracture. The fatigue fracture function of the mold depends on its strength, toughness, hardness, and inclusion in the inclusions.

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