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Car mold maintenance

Car mold in the use of the knife-edge part of the prone to chipping and edge collapse of this phenomenon to be for its repair and maintenance, car mold maintenance is mainly in the production of the operator's daily maintenance of the mold, cleaning, lubrication, Check on it. Here we come to the specific car mold in the production of maintenance.

1, drawing die punch, die:

The main problem of the convex and concave die of the drawing die is the pressure pit of the knitting and the profile, and the polishing of the rounded corners of the automobile mold is mainly carried out. If there is pressure to the car mold to repair welding, and then repair, guide parts.

2, spring and other flexible parts:

In the course of use, the spring is one of the most vulnerable parts of the car mold, usually the phenomenon of fracture and deformation. Take the approach is to replace, but the replacement process must pay attention to the spring specifications and models, spring specifications models through the color, diameter and length of the three to determine, only in the three cases are the same circumstances can be replaced.

3, when the maintenance of mold:

Before loading the mold to the upper and lower surface of the mold to clean, to ensure that the mold mounting surface and press work surface without crushing and mold in the production of the parallel installation surface parallelism.

4, the production of maintenance:

Production of the corresponding part of the mold on a regular basis oil. Such as: pull the mold of the material circle, rounded; trimming die of the knife-edge parts; flanging knife section and so on. Regularly clean up the waste of the small hole waste road of the trimming punching mold.

5, after the maintenance of production:

After the end of the production of a comprehensive inspection of the mold. Mold a comprehensive cleaning, to ensure that the mold cleanliness. The waste within the mold clean up to ensure that no waste material waste box. The use of the car mold and the use of the situation after the truth feedback to the mold subpoena.

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